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Finally I realized that the fascination with dinosaurs was permanent. It is always there. I suspect children have always been fascinated by dinosaurs. Why does it happen? I have thought about it a great deal and I conclude I have no idea why it occurs. But dinosaurs seem to excite the imagination of both adults and children everywhere in the world. During the last few years, I have entertained many theories about why this is so. For a while I thought it might be a particular fascination in countries where skeletons have been found—a kind of nationalistic interest.

But dinosaurs are popular everywhere. For example, they are a source of great fascination in Japan, although no remains have been found there. For a while, I thought it was primarily a childish interest.

But in museums, you notice that adults are equally fascinated. I often think the children are only an excuse for adults to go visit the dinosaurs. For a while, I thought it was an interest that children passed on to each other, in a proof of juvenile subculture.

But my own daughter showed a marked interest in dinosaurs before she ever went to pre-school, before she was even very verbal. For a while, I thought it was a function of the great size of these creatures. But the smaller dinosaurs excite just as much interest. Baby dinosaurs are very appealing. And in any case, the dinosaur toys are all small…. For a while, I thought the interest was something to do with the fact that the dinosaurs had become extinct. But children are not clear about this.

When my daughter was two years old, she asked to see the dinosaurs at the zoo. She greeted the news that she could not see dinosaurs at the zoo with a resigned shrug—parents never do what you want them to do! In the end, it is a mystery. Release Date: June 11, Running Time: 2 hrs. Jackson, Wayne Knight, B. Jurassic Park. Publishing Information. Hardcover Published in by Alfred A.

Knopf Paperback Published in by Ballantine Books. Plot Synopsis. An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. In His Own Words. Jurassic Park Audiobook. Now in Stores! From the Official Archives. What is it with all these Dinosaurs? Learn more in our The Lost World book page.

Jurassic Park comic art from R. Selected Passages. Photos from the set of Jurassic Park. Smart dust: Communicating with a cubic millimeter computer. Computer, 31 , 44— After that, you only need to do a detailed check for completeness, accuracy, relevance, balance, omitted words, and consistency.

You will notice that the various parts of your speech, for instance, the transition and main points, are labeled. There are compelling reasons for these labels. First, as you develop your message, you will sometimes find it necessary to go back and look at your wording in another part of the outline. Your labels help you find particular passages easily. Third, it helps you prepare your speaking outline.

They match the citations within the outline. Sometimes while preparing a speech, a speaker finds it important to go back to an original source to be sure the message will be accurate.

If you type in your references as you develop your speech rather than afterward, they will be a convenience to you if they are complete and accurate. Your full-sentence outline prepares you to present a clear and well-organized message, but your speaking outline will include far less detail. Whenever possible, you will use key words and phrases, but in some instances, an extended quotation will need to be fully written on your speaking outline.

Resist the temptation to use your full-sentence outline as your speaking outline. The temptation is real for at least two reasons. The subject of reading to your audience will be taken up in Chapter 14 "Delivering the Speech" on speech delivery. Your speech has five main components: introduction, main point one, main point two, main point three, and the conclusion. Therefore we strongly recommend the use of five notecards: one for each of those five components.

There are extenuating circumstances that might call for additional cards, but begin with five cards only. How will five notecards suffice in helping you produce a complete, rich delivery? Second, the temptation to read the speech directly from the full-sentence outline is nearly overwhelming; even if you resist this temptation, you will find yourself struggling to remember the words on the page rather than speaking extemporaneously.

Third, sheets of paper are noisier and more awkward than cards. Finally, cards just look better. Carefully prepared cards, together with practice, will help you more than you might think. Plan to use five cards. With five cards, you will have one card for the introduction, one card for each of the three main points, and one card for the conclusion. You should number your cards and write on one side only.

Numbering is helpful if you happen to drop your cards, and writing on only one side means that the audience is not distracted by your handwritten notes and reminders to yourself while you are speaking.

Each card should contain key words and key phrases but not full sentences. Some speeches will include direct or extended quotations from expert sources. Some of these quotations might be highly technical or difficult to memorize for other reasons, but they must be presented correctly. This is a circumstance in which you could include an extra card in the sequence of notecards. This is the one time you may read fully from a card.

If your quotation is important and the exact wording is crucial, your audience will understand that.

How will notecards be sufficient? When they are carefully written, your practice will reveal that they will work. Using a set of carefully prepared, sparingly worded cards will help you resist the temptation to rely on overhead transparencies or PowerPoint slides to get you through the presentation. Although they will never provide the exact word sequence of your full-sentence outline, they should keep you organized during the speech.

You must discover what works for you and then select those words that tend to jog your recall. Having identified what works, make a preliminary set of no more than five cards written on one side only, and practice with them. Revise and refine them as you would an outline. The following is a hypothetical set of cards for the smart dust speech:.

Introduction : , Prey , swarm nanomachines feed on living tissue. Microelectromechanical MEMS devices could detect light, temp, or vib.

Thesis Statement : Researchers hyp that s. Transition : To help understand, first, what smart dust is. Kris Pister, prof robotics lab UC Berkeley conceived the idea in in a proj. Smart Dust website, battlefield surveill. Transition : Switch gears to daily lives. Transition : We expl. Conclusion : Transf fiction to fact, experts agree potential Pister: privacy. As it turns out, I think that the potential benefits of this technology far far outweigh the risks to personal privacy.

Using a set of cards similar to this could help you get through an impressive set of specialized information. But what if you lose your place during a speech? With a set of cards, it will take less time to refind it than with a full-sentence outline. You will not be rustling sheets of paper, and because your cards are written on one side only, you can keep them in order without flipping them back and forth to check both sides.

What if you go blank? There may be several seconds of silence in the middle of your speech, and it may seem like minutes to you, but you can regain your footing most easily with a small set of well-prepared cards. Under no circumstances should you ever attempt to put your entire speech on cards in little tiny writing. You will end up reading a sequence of words to your audience instead of telling them your message.

Help Creative Commons. Creative Commons supports free culture from music to education. Their licenses helped make this book available to you. Help a Public School. Previous Section. Table of Contents. Next Section.

Identify the advantages of using notecards to present your speaking outline. Working Outline A working outline is an outline you use for developing your speech. Smart dust can be used by the military—no, no—smart dust could be an enormous asset in covert military operations.

Smart dust could also have applications to daily life. Introduction : Grabber fill in later Thesis Statement Thus far, researchers hypothesize that smart dust could be used for everything from tracking patients in hospitals to early warnings of natural disasters and defending against bioterrorism. Transition fill in later Main Point I : Dr. Full-Sentence Outline Your full-sentence outline should contain full sentences only.

Main Ideas : Smart dust is an assembly of microcomputers. Smart dust could be an enormous asset in covert military operations. Each individual piece of dust, called a mote, would then have the ability to interact with other motes and supercomputers. Furthermore, Major Dickson also believes it may be possible to create smart dust that has the ability to defeat communications jamming equipment created by foreign governments, which could help the US military not only communicate among itself, but could also increase communications with civilians in military combat zones.

According to a article written by Jessica Griggs in new Scientist , one of the first benefits of smart dust could be an early defense warning for space storms and other debris that could be catastrophic.

Theoretically, we could all be injected with smart dust, which relays information to our physicians and detects adverse changes to our body instantly.

Speaking Outline Your full-sentence outline prepares you to present a clear and well-organized message, but your speaking outline will include far less detail.

The following is a hypothetical set of cards for the smart dust speech: Card 1. Card 2. Card 3. Card 5. Pasting particles for virtual computer keyboard to inventory control poss. Card 6. Key Takeaways Working outlines help you with speech logic, development, and planning. The full-sentence outline develops the full detail of the message. The speaking outline helps you stay organized in front of the audience without reading to them. Using notecards for your speaking outline helps with delivery and makes it easier to find information if you lose your place or draw a blank.

Exercises With respect to your speech topic, what words need to be defined?


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